Porto Swing Jam III
18-19 de Fevereiro de 2011
Festa de Swing, Soul, Blues na 6a-feira nos Maus Hábitos
Djs Joe e Abeth
Workshops no Sábado com a Abeth Farag do Porto e o Gontran Galinier de Toulouse!
Festa de Swing no Sábado nos Maus Hábitos com banda, The Nightdreamers!
Juggler, magician, and music-lover, Gontran Galinier has always had a pronounced artistic side in addition to his admittedly stubborn cartesian spirit… But it was when he discovered the world of swing and it’s fabulous energy in 2003 that he found his true passion. He has since dedicated himself to its dance styles.
Musical expression being one of his leitmotifs, he tries to adapt his dance and his lead to interpret the music, for which he feels an extreme devotion.
To this end, be it as a dancer, competitor, or teacher, he emphasizes the connection, the lead and follow, and the exchange between partners, the ultimate goal being that these serve musicality and creativity. He can’t wait to share his passion and his frenzy so that it swings in your head the way it does on the dance floor!
Putting All the Pieces Together:
Spicing up Your Dance: